Music of the Spheres with Rev. Gaby and Kim Kessaris - Sunday, November 3rd at 12:30pm

Music of the Spheres – Releasing the will to power and bringing in the power of Will.  In this workshop, we will dive deeper into the relationship between Mars and Pluto. These planets will be in opposition to each other three times over the next six months. The first of which is two days before the election. This experiential workshop will allow you to explore the relationship between these planets while they are in opposition. You will participate in guided meditations to music composed specifically for each planet. Each meditation will be followed by journal writing to record the information you receive. The planets speak to us symbolically and through musical chords and harmonies. By the end of the workshop, you will have received messages directly from 2 of the planets about your soul's role in a world undergoing transformation. There will be time for sharing.

Register here.