Feed the Kids
The Feed the Kids Coalition was established in early 2009 with the aim of furnishing 120 children at the Boys & Girls Club of Henderson County with a wholesome, hot meal every week. Last year, 92% of Club members qualified for the National School Lunch Program. Unity Team volunteers every 6 weeks to provide a meal. Contact Linda Jones, Sacred Service Volunteer Program Director for more information. Send email to unitylindajones@gmail.com

This team serves our greater community and helps to keep our highways environmentally safe and clean. The Adopt-A-Highway team has "adopted" a 1 mile stretch of highway locally. As a Team member, you will find that you are notified in advance to convene at the church to pick up the gloves, safety vests, garbage and recycle bags which are provided. It usually takes around two hours and by this time, we've all developed an appetite! Lunch together at a local venue is a must for lots of laughs and good conversation. We feel great knowing we have done a service for our community! Contact Linda Jones, Sacred Service Volunteer Program Director for more information. Send email to unitylindajones@gmail.com