Spiritual Tools and Resources

The Little Booklet of Affirmative Prayer, Vol. 2 - Download 

Prayer requests also may be directed to Silent Unity at (816) 969-2000 , where you can speak with someone (7:00am - 1:00am EST).  

If you are seeking additional prayer support, we invite you explore the following resources from Unity.


Listen to Talks By Eric Butterworth

Eric served as a Unity minister, author, and radio personality. His work, based on Unity principles, focused on the divinity of all people.



Navigating These Troubling Times - The Soul of Money Institute



“Lessons In Truth” by H. Emily Cady 

 H. Emilie Cady (1848-1941) was an American homeopathic physician and author of New Thought spiritual writings. Her 1896 book "Lessons in Truth, A Course of Twelve Lessons in Practical Christianity" is now considered one of the core texts in Unity.


Unity of The Blue YouTube Channel

Our Tube Channel is full of love, hope and inspiration. Catch up on services that you may have missed or just want to hear again. Subscribe and be alerted when Unity is online or a video has been posted.



Resources from Unity Worldwide


Coloring Pages



Unity online Radio – Various Speakers/Programs


21 Day of Meditation with Deepak and Oprah



Dr. Arun Gandhi Shares Lessons

Recorded at Unity of The Blue Ridge – free “Lessons from the Gift of Anger” seminar with Dr. Arun Gandhi



Myrtle Fillmore Letters and Writings

Unity Co-Founder, Myrtle Fillmore



Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes



The Infinite Way by Joel Goldsmith



Unity Worldwide Institute – Enroll in Class Online



Dr. Christine Page

Known as a mystical physician



Bishop John Shelby Spong at Unity Conference

A liberal Christian theologian, religion commentator and author, he calls for a
fundamental rethinking of Christian belief away from theism and traditional doctrines.



Calming Playlist - New Thought Songs for Inspiration



SURJ (Showing Up For Social Justice) 

SURJ WebPage - https://www.showingupforracialjustice.org/

A detail list of anti-racism resouces: Books, Movies and More see list

Racial Resources for Children: https://www.embracerace.org

Praying with James Baldwin in an Age of #BlackLivesMatter " This project offers 30 days of prayer for an age of #BlackLivesMatter. It looks to author and artis James Baldwin as a guide. Over 30 days we pray with the "Last Words" of those who have been killed by racism and police violence, and we pray for the courage to take "First Steps" to change the world around us." Go To Prayer Link