"The transforming truth of our inherent divinity, spiritual equality and sacred oneness remains as only a good idea unless it is accepted and lived out. Unity is a path to discover this truth, a place to experience it, and a community to celebrate it!" - Rev Darlene
Rev. Darlene is a spiritual visionary and mystic for our time. She is the Senior Minister at Unity of The Blue Ridge and visionary behind the “Our Love Is Power” movement, pledge and Spiritual Summit.
She is described as an “engaging, humorous, inspired speaker and teacher who creatively weaves deep spiritual insights with real life stories that lead to transformation”. She is a gifted singer/songwriter with a passion for helping others access the God Presence within and attune to the rhythm of their soul.
Raised in eastern North Carolina, Darlene became uncomfortably aware of racial injustice and religious intolerance at an early age. “I was white in the rural South and I was part of the ‘right’ religious affiliation. So, I was told. But, my heart did not notice color and my soul knew only One Source.”
Darlene has a palpable, unwavering spiritual connection and belief that all people are sacred – born as an original blessing - and that many paths lead to God, which dwells within all creation.
“All our problems stem from a belief in separateness. Existing as separate and apart from our Creator… separate and detached from each other… separate and disconnected from nature and the very earth we walk upon. The foundational problems of our society exist in this consciousness of fear and separation and will continue to persist until there is a shift at that level.
My goal is to help create a critical mass that will bridge the gap of perceived separation. As we relate to ourselves with compassion and wholeness, it becomes natural to relate to others in the same way."
Darlene became an Ordained Unity Minister in 2004 and previously served ministries in Kansas, Hawaii and Washington State. Prior to seminary, she served as the Music Director at Unity of the Triangle in Raleigh, N.C.
Prior to church ministry, Darlene was a Senior Executive in the children’s toy industry, working with BRIO Toys and TY Inc. She has a Bachelor of Science in Business Management and is a Seminary graduate of Unity Institute.
You may contact Rev. Darlene directly at unity@unitync.net