Meditation for the Love of It - September 3 - Tuesday's from 7-8:15PM - Zoom

Meditation for the Love of It:  Building Spiritual Energy
Tuesdays:  September 3, 10, 17, 24 on Zoom 7:00pm - 8:15pm
Cost:  $75 

Cultivating awareness
Be open to Grace
Remain connected to the Divine
Be Playful

In this series you will explore the above topics with the intention of deepening your meditation practice, remaining connected to the Divine throughout the day and being open to the Grace of the Divine in our lives. You will be seeking the Guidance of the Divine and all the while experiencing the playfulness of the Divine.  Each class will have a guided meditation to connect deeper to the Divine, explore ways of building spiritual energy, and time to discuss your experiences with each other.

The class also includes a free bonus guided meditation by phone on four Sunday evenings in September which is open to all past and present class participants.  Meditations from the classes are recorded for your convenience in listening to again.

Gayle Ray has been meditating for over 30 years and taken numerous classes to deepen her practices.  She sees meditation as a vital part of her health, growth, and expansion.  She says, “Meditation has deepened my connection to the Divine, supports my physical well being, and lets me experience more love for myself and others.  There is a guiding, loving Presence within each of us, Meditation secures the connection to this Presence and lets us rely on it in our daily lives.  She loves teaching meditation as a way of supporting others to expand into greater states of love, light and laughter!  The most important thing we can do in life is to connect to the Divine and let our thoughts, words and actions come from that place of connection.  Meditation is a doorway to making that happen!

Register for the 4-series meditation class here - $75