Music of the Spheres with Rev. Gaby and Kim Kessaris - Feb. 2nd - 12:30-2:30 PM

Facilitated by Rev. Gaby Michel and Kim  Kessaris.  This is a series of workshops exploring how significant 
collective astrological transits in 2025 speak through each of us. 
On February 2nd, we will explore the relationship between Venus, Neptune and the North Node. 
Venus and Neptune have had a series of conjunctions since 2012 and this will be the last one in Pisces of our lifetimes. 

Music of the Spheres

On March 30th, Neptune enters Aries for the first time since the year 1874. We will be asking 
what Neptune has in store for us and what it’s asking of us this time around. 
On April 27th, we revisit themes from our November 3rd, 2024 workshop when Mars in Cancer 
opposed Pluto in Capricorn. This time Mars in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius. We will be exploring
 what these sign changes mean for us. During these workshops attendees will participate in guided 
meditations to music composed specifically for each planet. Each meditation will be followed by 

journal writing to record the information received. The planets speak to us symbolically and through musical chords and harmonies. By the end of the workshop, attendees will have received messages directly from the planets about their soul's role in a world undergoing transformation. There will be time for sharing.

Suggested Love Offering - $25.
Register for class here